
Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas 2013

I hope that all of you had a wonderful Christmas!

I didn't get my real camera out once throughout the day, but I did manage to get just a few pictures. I guess I was too busy enjoying the day with our family.

The boys woke us up at 5;30 a.m. This was the first year they have ever gotten up this early for Christmas. We started this Christmas morning like we do every year; we read the Christmas story from the book of Luke. Cade wanted the WHOLE Christmas story and we ended up reading some from Matthew as well.

After the Christmas story we stay piled up on our bed and take turns unloading the stockings.

We headed down stairs for gifts and this is where I just kind of quit taking pictures. This was the first year that Henry was really excited about Christmas, and it was so much fun.

Everyone came to our house this year for lunch. I really wish I had taken some pictures. I did steal this on from my sister's facebook page.

(me, my dad, and my sis)

I really enjoyed this Christmas. We kept things very simple and it really made things more enjoyable. The boys had a great time, and that really was the highlight of the day. We certainly missed my Mama, though.

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  1. Looks like a fabulous holiday! Glad you had such a fun day! It's fun when the kids get excited, too!!!

  2. I love the photos you do have and I especially like the photo of you and Stephanie with your dad! I cannot begin to imagine how much you miss your mom, she was such a love with the kindest heart. Much like yourself!


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