
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Henry Turns 4!

My sweet Henry turned 4 today.

He has been really excited about his birthday for a few weeks. I have been a little bit sad.

If you know Henry well, you know that he likes his sippy cup full of milk. He also frequently asks for me to hold him like a baby while he drinks his milk. He told us several months ago that when he turned 4 he wasn't going to drink from his sippy cup anymore. The night before his birthday I asked if I could hold him while he drank his milk. He of course let me, and I cried like a baby thinking about my baby not being a baby anymore.

He woke up super excited about his birthday. He also requested his milk in a big cup, and said he wasn't kidding. That boy!

He put on a birthday hat and had a cupcake for breakfast before church.

He was REALLY excited about church today. Turning 4 means moving up to the next class. He will now have a memory verse to memorize like big brother, and earn Bible Bucks. This is a big deal to this little guy. When we got out of the car he looked at me and said, "I can run with Cade now, because I'm 4!" I wasn't far behind him, and heard him announcing to all of the ushers and our Pastor on the way in that he was now 4!

All of our family came over for lunch and cupcakes. We had fun celebrating his big day with everyone.

He took charge opening gifts. Then it was time for cupcakes. I took this opportunity to snap some pics of the birthday boy with everyone.

Sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Henry! What a cutie! Loved all the family photos too!


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