
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Wife and Mama Heart Change

I started writing the series "31 Days of Choosing to Become a Less Selfish Wife and Mommy" during the Nester's 31 day challenge, and still haven't finished writing it. I still plan to finish it at some point, but the whole writing for 31 days in a row was a bigger task than I was ready for.

I started writing the series as a wife and mom that loves God, her husband, and her kids, but knew that I was missing it big time in some areas, and really needed/wanted to make some changes.

For months I have been drawn to Proverbs 31 and Titus 2, knowing that what I needed would come from these passages. I continued to read the passages and the Lord continued to show me things, good things, but I knew that there was still more that He wanted to show me.

Last week a friend posted about the Thanksgiving Study by Good Morning Girls on Facebook. I went to the website and started looking through their Bible Studies and was reintroduced to the blog, Women Living Well by Courtney Joseph. I have come across her blog several times over the years and read some of her things here and there, but had never subscribed to it.(I am now a subscriber.)

Courtney has a new book call Women Living Well: Finding Joy in You Man, Your Kids, and Your Home. As soon as I saw it, I knew that I needed to read it. I downloaded the Kindle version and finished most of the book in one sitting. It was exactly what I needed to be reading at this time.

There were several things in the book that really ministered to me, but the one part that ministered and STUNG at the same time was in Chapter 20 when she listed out what a wife of noble character does NOT look like in very plain modern day terminology.

#6 - She does not spend her days doing leisurely shopping, texting, emailing, Web browsing, watching late-night movies, and sleeping in.

Ouch! It is embarrassing the number of times that I have let myself stay up late watching tv just to enjoy the peace and quiet, and would then sleep in. And then because I was exhausted, I never really got everything done in a day that I could have had I been well rested. I knew that this was really not okay, but I kept allowing myself to do this. Not anymore.

I had a mom that loved the Lord, her husband, and children, but she didn't teach me about being a wife and mom of noble character. I believe that she would have taught me if she had know for herself, but just because she didn't teach me doesn't mean that I can't learn. Or that I don't need to learn. I have been a wife for 16 wonderful years and a mama for almost 8, and I have so much to learn.

This Wife and Mama has had a heart change. I am so thankful for the leading of the Holy Spirit.
My desire is to be the Wife and Mama that the Lord as called me to be. I want to be the Wife and Mama that my husband and boys need.

Let me know what your think about the book if you have read it. Did it produce a heart change in you?

*This is NOT a sponsored post.  I just enjoyed the book and wanted to share it with you.


  1. Nikki- this was SUCH a blessing to read. I just love the overflow of your heart and your transparency. Thank you SOOO much for sharing this today. You blessed me!
    Lots of Love,
    Courtney :)

  2. It sounds like a great book. I want to read it.


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