
Monday, November 25, 2013

The Playroom

The playroom project has been one of those projects that has been started and then pushed aside, and never finished.

This is what the playroom looked like in April of 2012 when the room was just a place to play and store all of our toys. My to do list at this point was very simple. (You can see the full original post here.)

-define the color palette 
-paint walls (must decide on a color)
-make curtains
-find a rug
-finish the kid art display
I did make curtains, but that was about as far as I made it on this list. I just kept adding to it.
I REALLY liked the short bookcases with the gallery wall above, but I found that we needed more storage in this room, mainly for school supplies. We like to have friends come over to play, and that means that sometimes this room is full of kids. I knew that for that reason I would need to add taller bookcases for our school books and art supplies so that they weren't easily accessible. About the same time that we got taller bookcases, we also added a love seat and small TV.

I don't have any pictures of this phase, because it was never very easy on the eyes. Fast forward to last week.

My husband got a new TV for the living room and it made the most sense to move the other tv into the playroom. A 32" flat-screen would be a major upgrade from the 13" 25 year old TV that was currently in the playroom.

This was the kick in the pants I needed to finally paint the room. I knew that we didn't want to mount a TV
 on the wall and then take it down so that I could paint. That's just more work.

I still wasn't really sure what I wanted so I went to Lowe's to check out the oops selection. I knew that the 3 main walls would be painted a light gray (that I already had), and the wall that originally had the short bookcases and gallery wall would be painted with stripes. I wanted white and ???? maybe navy or green, or? In the oops section there was a quart of navy blue chalkboard paint and a quart of dark gray paint. Decision made. White and dark gray stripes on the wall and navy chalkboard paint on the closet doors. I don't recommend this approach to everyone, but it really helped me to make a decision. I still had to buy white paint (that turned out to be light gray, but I don't think I can stomach painting that wall again). 
My current to do list looks like this:
-fill in on the nail holes and prep wall for paint
-paint the walls gray
-paint one wall white
-paint dark gray stripes
-paint closet doors
-update some of the art in the gallery wall
-rehang the gallery wall
-mount the tv on wall
-cut, sand, and stain new shelves for above the kid kitchen (these will hold Cade's Lego creations and keep them out of reach of little hands)
-install shelves above kid kitchen
-reorganize toys and schools stuff
- relabel all of the bins to match what is in them
-figure out a solution for hanging kid art (they were taping their masterpieces to the closet doors)
-get a clear globe and higher wattage light bulbs for ceiling fan to hopefully make the room a little brighter
-maybe add beanbags or floor cushions for playing video games (I don't plan to add a rug)
-make pillows for love seat
-remove random TVs
What have you been working on lately? Any painting?

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