Friday, October 9, 2009

22 Weeks

22 Weeks - It's a good feeling to know that I'm a little over halfway there. Some days it feels like the time is creeping ever so slowly, and other times it feels like WOW 22 weeks already.

I'm feeling pretty good. It's nice to not require a nap every afternoon anymore, but I'm going to bed much earlier.

I have had a little swelling in my feet when I'm up doing a lot, so I'm doing what I can. I feel huge already, but that is okay.

I had a great OB visit this week. I love going and getting to hear his heart beat. It is still such a great sound.


  1. You are looking great!! Congrats on 22 Weeks! :)

  2. So amazing that in just a few months, you wont even remember what it was like before Henry came into your life. I love that about parenting... I know Gracie is only 4 and Annelie is only 2.5, but I feel like I have loved them my entire life. :)

    Ah, such a sweet lil' belly you have!! Give Henry a pat for me!

  3. YAY, half way through! You look great!


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