Since I will soon be having baby #2 I have been thinking a lot about the birth of our first son. I want to remember everything that I can about it and realized that I have already forgotten so many of the timing details. I was originally going to post this on my private family blog since it is really for me, but decided to post it here. If it helps just one person, then I'm happy for everyone to read it.
I have always had a very low tolerance for pain and because of that always just assumed that when it came time to have children I would just get an epidural. I never really gave any other thought to it. Then, one of my pregnant friends told me that she was believing God for a Supernatural childbirth without pain. She had been reading a book called Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. I really thought she was crazy. I have been a born again, spirit filled, tongue talking Christian most of my life and had never heard of this. I still didn't really do anything with this info at this point, but when she had her first child without pain I knew there was more to it than I had thought. I ordered the CD when I became pregnant with our first son. I began to see things in the Bible in a way that I had not before. I'm so glad that God is patient with me. I began to see from the Word that pain from childbirth is under the curse. Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for the curse for us so that we could be free from it. This includes pain during childbirth. I listened to this CD every time I got in my car during my pregnancy. I knew I needed to continue to build my faith in this area, and faith comes by hearing.
Let me also add that I am not against epidurals or pain meds. I think that if you are in pain you should take the meds. I wasn't out to prove anything to anyone, I would have taken the meds if I had been in pain. But God is so good, and I had a mostly pain free natural childbirth. I say mostly, because it did hurt some when I tore a little at the very end, but I had no pain with any of my contractions of during the pushing.
Now that I have written a books worth of background info, I will move on to the actual birth story. My little man is now 4 years old so some of the times and details are somewhat fuzzy, but I'll tell you what I remember.
Friday, November 25, 2005 - the day after Thanksgiving
37.5 weeks pregnant
My husband and I got up super early so that we could shop some of the black friday sales before I had to be at work at 7:30 am. I did a good bit of walking before I ever got to work.
I was a bank teller and Fridays were always really busy days that required me to be on my feet more than most weekdays. For about 2 months I had lots of BH contractions all through the day on Friday. Usually once I got home by 6:30 and put my feet up they would stop. The contractions on this day were no different than any other Friday.
Around 4 pm my supervisor told me that she thought I should go ahead and go home early today. I didn't complain. Leaving at 4pm instead of 6pm on Friday sounded great.
My husband and father-in-law were going out to eat oysters to celebrate my husbands birthday. (my FIL had been out of the country the previous week, so they celebrated when he got back) I knew I was on my own for dinner so I ordered a plate from a local restaurant and picked it up on my way home. I went home, got my feet up, and enjoyed my dinner in front of the TV. The contractions were sporadic, but still there. My husband called around 6 or so and I told him that I didn't really think anything of it, but I was still having contractions.
The husband gets home. He found out earlier in the week that I had been climbing in a chair and then standing on top of the washing machine to get something off of the top shelf in our laundry room. He didn't like that at all, so we headed to Home Depot to get a proper step stool. Still having some contractions.
We came home to watch TV and unwind for the night. I laid on couch still having contractions. We decided to time them, they were consistently about 5 mins apart. I decide that I would just go get a shower to freshen up. From here I don't really remember the exact time line, but by 11pm we decided to call the Dr. since my contractions were consistently 3 mins. apart. We made the call, he said get to the hospital.
Keep in mind that I am having contractions this entire time, but without pain. It still had not sunk in that I was indeed in labor.
Saturday, November 26, 2005 (just around mid-night)
We arrive at the hospital and get all set up in our room. The Dr. gets there tho check me and I had started to dilate (I don't remember how much), still having consistent contractions. I just sat in the bed and talked to my husband. We talked about how weird it was that I was for real in labor and were going to get to meet our son soon. It was a great experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the laboring part. It was fun to watch the contractions on the monitor and see how big they were. I could feel everything, my body was working hard, but I didn't have any pain. I don't remember all of the timing details at this point but once I was at 8cm my body was trying really hard to push even though it wasn't time yet. I couldn't control it so they gave me a half dose of something (I don't remember what it was) to help my body just relax a little bit so that I could finish dilating. Once it was time to push, I didn't push long. Somewhere from 15-30 mins. and our little guy arrived at 5:08 am
I did tear a little bit and happily took the 2 advil they offered me at this point. It was so nice to have such a wonderful, fairly short, labor and delivery. I'm looking forward to the next one.

Wow! What a great and easy birth story! I'm hoping that mine goes so smoothly! Can't wait for my turn! :)
ReplyDeleteOur birth stories are oh so special! I wish I could relive that day over again and again! Love that you shared yours!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful birth story!! I am also a spirit filled Christian and my last three births were all natural. I even know a dear saint of God that recently passed but she had all of her dental work done without meds. She would just pray until she reached a point in the Spirit when she no longer felt any physical pain. She had to do this because she had such bad reactions to the anesthesia. Praying for another wonderful birth experience for you!!
ReplyDeleteAdena @ Friendship Alley.com
That is awesome! I pray your next one goes as smoothly!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Henry's birth story!!!