Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lampshade Gone Wrong

This project started out simple enough. I found a cheap lamp at a thrift store that I liked.
The lampshade was terrible. No big deal, I'll just buy a new lampshade.

Then, I thought well, I've always wanted to recover a lampshade, maybe I can cut this one down and recover it.
My issue with this shade was the height of the shade. I felt like there was too much shade for the size of the lamp base.

I cut the shade down to the size I wanted, took pictures so that I could write a tutorial on how to recover a lampshade, and the I put the lampshade on the lamp, and all I could do was laugh.

I forgot that the part of the shade that attaches to the lamp harp was down in the middle of the shade not at the top of the shade. This resulted in a lampshade that was horribly wrong. What good is a lampshade that doesn't even cover the bulb.

So, when tackling something new, make sure you think the whole thing through
or you may end up with a lamp wearing a mini skirt for a lampshade.

Now I must find the perfect lampshade.

To be continued...:)

Ok, so here's my question for you.
What projects have you had go horribly wrong?
I know I'm not the only one.
Let's hear those stories in the comments.

Linked to - Show and Share Day @ Just a Girl


  1. Oh no! That's too bad. Lesson learned, right? A similar thing happened to me last night. I had cut down some trouser pants to capris since the length was too short to begin with. A little "no sew hem tape" and instant pair of capris on the cheap. However, I tried them on this morning and they are still too long to be considered capris. Oh well...I only wasted about 15 minutes but it still sucks. Maybe tonight I'll spend another 15 minutes getting them to be the perfect capri length.

  2. That's great, Nikki! Thanks for the laugh. Years ago I was trying to make a vest out of a pattern that had people on it. I cut my pattern out, without paying attention to the people. They were all sideways on the vest! OOPS! There went that project. I was really humbled and disappointed, especially since the fabric was not a thrift store find but was costly. :-/

  3. Oh that could sooooooooo happen to me. Thanks for the giggle!


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