Thursday, September 9, 2010

7 months

Henry is 7 months.
I am happy that he is such a happy, healthy baby, 
but I'm sad that it is going by so fast. Too fast for this mommy.

-Henry is getting some major personality. He is very laid back, and loves to laugh.
-He is sitting like a pro....with the occasional face dive.
-He still really enjoys eating. He likes everything we have given him.
-He grunts, blows raspberries, and can almost wave bye-bye.
-Diaper changes has turned into wrestling matches. Why does he have to roll over as soon as I lay him on the changing table, and then again and again.
-He can't crawl, but we are convinced that he thinks he can fly.
-Most mornings he sleeps or plays in his crib until about 9am. (thank you LORD!) I am a late riser, so this works great for me.
-He goes to bed at 7pm and sleeps until 9ish am, and takes 2 longs naps and 1 short nap.
-He has his 2 front bottom teeth and is working on 6 more. We are talking serious drool.
-He still wears a size 3 diaper and 6-9 month clothing and some 12 months.
-He still thinks that his big brother is pretty much the best thing ever.


  1. Wow! It doesn't seem like it's been that long! I think he is looking more and more like his brother! What a handsome little man!

  2. Can you believe they are 7 months already? Abby is doing basically everything Henry is although she has ZERO teeth! And it doesn't appear like anything will happen anytime soon. :)

  3. Wow, Henry sleeps a lot! That's great for you. Six teeth at once sounds painful...poor little guy.
    They do grow up WAY too fast, don't they?


  4. He's the cutest! Did I already tell you my son is 6 months?! So fun to watch them develop. I need to try to get James to sit more. He mostly army-crawls or rolls around. 2 bottom teeth here. :)

  5. Oh my goodness, Nicole, he is the CUTEST!! Awww, I love seeing these pictures!


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