Last month CSN contacted me about doing another product review. I have a list of things bookmarked on their website, but after moving I detoured from my list. When we moved and covered the bottom floor of our house in tile, things like "find the easiest way to mop these floors" became important. Enter CSN.
I decided to give the Euro Pro Shark mop a try. OH MY WORD! It is so easy, and fast, and my floors are clean! Really clean.
I had a nice mop before (that I still like and use to clean a spill), but I really like the shark. I like that I don't have to use any cleaning solution and that the floor is almost immediately dry. Major pluses in my book. If you have tile floors, this mop comes highly recommended from me. I was a little concerned about having to plug and replug the mop in to get from one side of the house to the other, but it hasn't been that big of a deal.
I was a little surprised that the mop arrived in just the original shark box, not a brown cardboard box, but it was in one piece, and arrived very quickly.
*I was provided with a shopping code to use to purchase this item from CSN in exchange for a review of the item, but the opinions are my own. I was not compensated to tell you that I liked the mop, I really do like the mop.

I have this mop. I loved it! I used it all the time at our house in Tulsa because we had lots of tile. At our new house here though its mostly wood so I cant use it. :( The Shark Steam Mop is a great product!