One of my main goals in our den has been to incorporate more items that are personal to my husband. Now, I still have full veto power of all things on display in our home, but I do want our home to represent everyone that lives here.
When we were unpacking all of our stuff after we moved in, just six short months ago, I came across several things that my husband has been carrying around with him for may years. Some items have moved with him through 20-30 moves. I decided that if they were important enough for him to hang on to for that long, then maybe they should be on display. Things like flags, menus, and cassette tapes didn't quite make the cut, but he had a framed pic of Spicy the pony (the pony that my husband's grandfather had on his farm when my husband was a kid), and a skateboard that was drawn with a marker (during Sunday School) by one of his buddies.
I decided that a gallery wall above my husband's desk in the den was the best place to create a gallery of all the things that have meaning to him. Our fav photo of Prague (my in-laws used to live there and still travel there pretty frequently), a stained glass pic that is special to my husband, a pic of our sweet boys, a skateboard marker drawing, and of course, Spicy the pony in her original frame.
I'm still looking for the perfect empty fame to put around the stained glass pic, I just haven't found it yet. The frame is small and I didn't want to reframe it because the actual frame is part of what makes it special, but I do want it to look more prominent so I think a larger open frame around the exiting frame will do the trick.
What is your fav type of gallery wall? Do you have any in your home?

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