Monday, July 11, 2011

I CAN do this!

Caution: long wordy post with no pics about weight loss and how I have struggled with it for too long.

It's time for me to get serious about losing weight and getting in shape.

Here's the thing. I've been overweight for way too long. I was slim and active until I got married at 18. Once I was married I started cooking, eating what I cooked, moving less and increasing my portions. Not Smart. Slowly, but surely, the weight piled on. It didn't help that I worked at a bank and we ate all the time. Customers brought in doughnuts, whenever someone had a birthday we had cake, if it was Friday we had a treat. I simply couldn't say no to the junk.  I would diet and lose a little here and there, exercise here and there, but never made the lifestyle change. All of this has added up to an extra 60 lbs on my body.

Long story short, I can't blame any of this weight on having babies. I gained less then 30 lbs with each pregnancy and the pregnancy weight came off quickly. It's all the other weight that I have to get rid of.

I have tried counting calories and counting points and I HATE both of them. I have also tried just eating better,  and making healthy choices, but really have a hard time with portion control. That is okay, I have found something that is working for me. It's called Body for Life. I was in a thrift store years ago and found a copy of the book for $1. I bought it, read it, started eating well, exercising, and dropping the weight. One day, I just quit. I don't really remember why or how, but I did. I still had not committed to the lifestyle change.

One day last month I decided it was time to start Body for Life again and really make the change. I am finally ready to eat well, work hard, get the weight off, and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. I'm done with not wanting to go somewhere because I don't want anyone to see how bad I have let myself go. I don't want to be the fat friend. Or the wife and mom that looks frumpy and sad.

I'm ready to do this for me.

So far I have lost 5 lbs. I am 25 lbs from my first goal. I have adjusted well to my new way of eating, the exercising has been a slower process, but I'm moving in the right direction.

This post is getting long, so next week I'll give you some details on why I like Body for Life and some of the details about the eating plan.

I'm linking this post to McFatty Monday.

Body for Life isn't sponsoring this post in anyway. I just like the plan and find it easy to stick with. All opinions are my own.

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  1. You CAN do it! Go girl, get your healthy on :o).

  2. Yea keep trying, keep working toward your goal and know that if you slip every hour is another opportunity to make the right decision about food choices.

  3. I have a similar weight problem.
    Its my fault and I couldn't stay motivated. Like you I've decided to change. We can encourage each other.

    Check my blog Amberica as I take on the six week PALA challenge.

  4. Way to go at losing the weight so far! It sounds like a plan you can stick to and make it work for you.

  5. So proud of your accomplishments! I totally understand struggling with weight and you are wise to deal with it now! I look forward to following your progress!

  6. I am so behind you in this girl! You can expect support from me! :)


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