Wednesday, October 26, 2011

2 Bills 2 Blow

Last week I mentioned  a new series, 2 Bills 2 Blow. 
Well, today is the day.

Let's pretend that you have $200 of fun money to spend anyway you choose on decor for your home. How do you spend it?

$200 isn't nothing, but it's also not a huge amount. How do you make it count? Do you spend it on one piece? Do you spend it on several things? Do you spend it on something bold, or do you play it safe?

 Here are the items that I would blow my $200 on. 


This round table needs to be in my living room. I have a lot of wood going on, so I'd like to break it up a bit with some metal. Two of the parsons chairs I got off of craigslist have found a new home in my living room, and this little table would be perfect in between the 2 chairs. I need somewhere to set my cup of coffee.


I would use this canvas to create a nice bold colorful piece of art to go above our t.v.
I think this would make my t.v. wall happy. 

source  here and here . 

I would just have to decide on a color. Maybe bronze (safe) or teal (a little bolder)?

$29.95 each

I want some new pillows for the living room couch. I really like the colors and the pattern on these. I also like that I wouldn't have to sew them. I could just purchase them and be done with it.

$20 for a set of 4 in chartreuse 

These are just cute and I think I would use them a lot.

What do you think? I think that $200 can go a long way to add some personality to a room if you spend it wisely.

I've got some fun bloggers lined up for this series, so come back next week.

PS: if you are anywhere near Montgomery, AL you need to comment on this post for a chance to win 4 ticket vouchers to see 
Sesame Street Live - "Elmo's Super Heros"
Montgomery, AL; Montgomery Performing Arts Centre
Tuesday, November 15 – Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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