Monday, October 1, 2012

Fundraiser for my Mom - Thirty-One Gifts

I will probably not be posting any more this week because I am getting ready for a Thirty Once Gifts Fundraiser that we are having for my sweet Mama. She was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year.

If you have been thinking about purchasing something from the Thirty-One Gifts catalog or want to get a jump start on your Christmas shopping, this would be a great party to get in on. My friend Kendall will be giving all of her commission to my parents to help offset some of their expenses.

Be sure to check out this months customer special, it's a good one. Thirty-One now offers collegiate items as well, so be sure to check them out . Everyone needs a good purse or bag for game day.  If you aren't into collage ball, you can even order bags in your child's team or school colors if they are involved in sports. Yep, you could be the cool mom.

CLICK HERE to be taken to the direct shopping link. You will be able to place an order through Thurs. Oct. 4th.

Thank you!

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