Ta-da! Here is our updated living room. I have been holding out on showing you this room. It has been done since, oh, May? I just haven't taken pictures. How sad is that?
Yesterday, the boys were outside playing, I was waiting on my dough to rise so I could make homemade tortillas, and I happen to walk in the living room. It was half way picked up and the light just seemed right to take some pics. I moved the few toys that were scattered, put the pillows and throws on the couches real quick like, and started taking pics. Just a few minutes later the sun had moved and I no longer had to right lighting. I only got ONE picture that was decent. So guess what? You get one picture. But, I will take more.
Waaaaay back in January, I showed you updated pictures of our living room. It really has come a long way since we moved in two and a half years ago.
Then in February, I revealed the media cabinet update. I painted the cabinets a nice glossy white and updated the back of the of the shelves with a nice grayish, tealish, blue.
I thought I was done.
Then, I came across the deal of the century on a couch and loveseat on craigslist. I was looking for a loveseat for the den, but the guy wouldn't separate the set. I had wanted new living room furniture eventually, but this deal was way too good to pass up.
This new furniture setup is much more comfortable for our family. Definite win.
Did you notice that the new couch and loveseat are almost the exact same color that I had JUST painted the back of the media center with? If I liked super matchy, the color would have been fine, but it was way too much of one color for me. I had the hardest time landing on a new accent color. I chose coral, but if I am being honest, I'm still not convinced it is the right color for this room. I liked it initially, but the longer it has been there, the more unsure of it I become. It just doesn't seem quite right, but I'm still not sure what would be better.
Suggestions for a new paint color are welcome in the comments. Please help!
In the mean time, I will work on getting some more detailed pics of the living room to share.
Wow! It looks so good! I love the pop of color in the hutch - it's just perfect.