If you read blogs, or have a Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest account, you are constantly being bombarded with images of women that appear to be doing it all, all of the time.
Someone is baking cakes that look like they came from a bakery.
Someone just painted their cabinets and redid their kitchen.
Someone just burned 750 calories doing kenpo X.
Someone just took 30 perfectly edited pics of their 3 kids.
Someone just made 30 freezer meals and won't have to cook much for the next month.
Someone just painted, organized, and perfectly staged a coat closet.
Someone just made organic granola bars from scratch so that her kids will have a healthy snack.
Someone just laminated picture labels for their child's spotless playroom.
Someone just had a picture perfect birthday party and spent the last 3 weeks making every detail by hand.
Someone just listed 14 perfectly sewn bags in their etsy shop.
Someone is inside building blanket forts with their happy kids.
Someone is at the beach relaxing.
Someone just planned their grocery trip and meals on a pretty printable.
Someone just lost 20 pounds by simply eating perfectly clean for 60 days.
Someone just adopted a bunch of kids from Africa.
Someone is posting pictures of her recently spray painted lamp that she got for $2 at goodwill and now her living room is complete.
Someone is hosting a girls night.
Someone just spent $35 on $250 worth of groceries.
Someone is enjoying a kid free date night.
Someone is in the corner crying, because she can't keep up with all of the these things that her 300+ friends keep shoving in her face every time she looks at her phone. She can't even keep the laundry clean. She feels like there is something wrong with her because she can't do it all. This sucks all of the happy out of her, and she is mean and short with her husband and kids. She feels like she is selfish because she can't seem to do all of these things AND be perfectly rested and happy while doing so.
Who are you comparing yourself to? Is it causing you to act selfishly towards your family because your are trying to steal time from something that is important to do something just to keep up with everyone else?
I just chose to do a MAJOR purge on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. I am guessing my family will also benefit from the extra time I will gain from following less people. That is a subject for another day.
I am enjoying your series and appreciate your writing. This is a topic that is near to my heart in this season of my life. I'm looking forward to following you on your journey.