- Do you remember the Sesame Street Live show that I gave tickets away to? Well, the show was way back on Nov. 15th. We went and had a blast. I love the look on Henry's face. That boy danced, clapped, and said ooooooooo a whole lot.
The Vee Coporation was great to work with. They held our tickets for us at Will Call since we don't live in Montgomery and everything went smoothly. The show was great and we made some fun memories with our boys.
- The day before Cade's birthday party I was being a whiny butt! I was pouting because things were not going like I wanted with a particular decorating project and I just wanted to start over. We don't use credit cards and I didn't have the cash to just go buy all new stuff, so I pouted and whined. NOT GOOD! My husband reminded me that when I want something I can simply use my faith and believe God for it. At first I just wanted to keep pouting, but really, who wants to be miserable like that. I knew he was right. I prayed and asked God for a few things and simply rolled that care onto Him. When I thought about it the rest of the day I just thanked Him for those things. The very next morning I was headed to the grocery store to pick up a few last minute things for Cade's party and drove by a yard sale. I saw what looked like bolts of fabric and decided I would stop on my way back home. When I came back women had arm loads of fabric. There wasn't much left, but I spotted the perfect fabric for my kitchen windows. (one of the things I was whining about the day before) I didn't know exactly how much was on the bolt, but it looked like it might be enough, if not I could use it for something else. The fabric is Designer Ralph Lauren fabric and was $2 for the bolt. Did you read that? $2. I got home and measured and it was plenty to do my kitchen windows. Oh, and it was $2. I was so excited because it was an answer to prayer and a reminder of how much my God loves me.
I could have just told you about the great deal on the fabric, but I wanted to share the whole story. God loves us so much. He wants us to let Him order our steps every single day. He wants to be involved in all of the little things in our life, not just the big stuff. He wants to bless us.
- We spent Thanksgiving in Jacksonville, FL with my husbands family this year. We didn't do any Black Friday shopping, but we did go to Homegoods. We don't have one here, so it was a nice treat. The store was packed because it was Black Friday, but it was still fun to look around. Our vehicle was pretty close to it's max capacity on the trip to FL, so I knew that I couldn't purchase anything that would take up much room, but I did come across this really cute sugar dish. Did I need sugar dish? No. But, it was cute, colorful, SMALL, and I wanted to buy something. So it came home with me.
I love Henry's socks!