I always look forward to a new year. I don't usually do resolutions, but I have set some personal goals for myself. I have also been thinking a lot about the goals that I have for my family, household, and this blog.
Last year was a hard year for our family. I have shared that my Mother left this earth and stepped into eternity. Last year my priorities were taking care of and spending time with my mom. There were no routines, or schedules, or meal plans. Laundry got done when it had to, and we did school on the go.
This year I am looking forward to establishing routine again. I homeschool Cade and know that it will be more beneficial if we have a set school time each day. I'm looking forward to making meal plans, cleaning/laundry schedules, and making more for time for fun outings.
As for the blog, I've missed it. I had a few very poor attempts to blog last year, but my heart just wasn't in it. I'm looking forward to finishing some things in our home this year and actually taking pics and sharing them with you. I want to take some decent room pics and have an actual home tour page that reflects all the changes that have been made. I am also working on a Project Gallery, this should be coming very soon. There are also several rooms that need to be finished, re-vamped, re-arranged, and re-organized. I also don't want to feel like doing things to my home are a must. I have fallen into that trap before and always felt like I needed new stuff. I just want to make our house a nice, pretty, functional home that we use. I plan to bring back 2 Bills 2 Blow, Got $200, and possibly Friday Favs, but I want to be able to do so without sacrificing my time with my family.
I am also looking forward to taking more pictures this year of my kids and doing a better job documenting our life.

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